FALL '24 sessions now open for registration!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Parent & Student Handbook
FAQ's Continued...
How do I know which class is right for my dancer?
We understand the importance of making sure each dancer is valued, loved, and loving their classes with us. We also know that sometimes, it's just not the right fit. To make sure that we find the perfect class for your student and your family, we offer a FREE trial class-pass to all new students. This allows you to shop around and see what is best, without having to commit to a full session of classes just yet!*
*classes must all be tried within one week (7 days), and must be for the age and technique appropriate for your dancer. Our friendly teaching staff will let you know if there is a class we think your dancer would love!
What happens if we decide to stop taking dance class in the middle of a session?
At Legacy Dance Company, we put a lot of time, thought, and love into planning our sessions. Our amazing teaching staff is dedicated to creating fun, challenging lesson plans and high quality choreography for our end of session recitals. We devote countless hours to picking the perfect costumes, venues, and music for our events as well as the everyday tasks and challenges that come with running a successful business.
We ask that our dance families respect our hard work and support our efforts by following our policies and procedures. Our policy is that once you have signed up for dance with LDC, you are committing to that one full session (Fall, Spring, Summer etc.). If your family should choose to discontinue classes with us before the session is over, you are still responsible for the remaining financial commitment of that season. We encourage our dance families to contact us with any questions or concerns beforehand, so that we can try to work together to find a solution and help in any way that we are able before it comes to that.